Saturday 1 March 2008

Yahoo Buzz - review

Yahoo! Buzz is opened already (few days ago) , but in beta... and just for 100 chosen sites... and my blog is not there *crying*. So, What is Yahoo! Buzz? Lets do short review.


Yahoo! Buzz is something like Digg. It is social bookmarking site, where you can put a short review of your (or someone else) content (post, article, news, video). Content is ranked based on votes, if you have good post - you will get alot of traffic, backlinks...

What is the different between Yahoo! Buzz and Digg?

Well, Digg content rank is  based on votes, rate of submitter, quantity of friends =). Yahoo! Buzz content rank is based on votes, search-term popularity, and what everyone is reading and emailing - right this instant.

Digg drives traffic directly to your site to read the full story, the same Yahoo! Buzz do.

People can rate your content on your site or on Digg, well, Buzz do the same.

The most popular content from Digg appears on the main page, the most popular content from Yahoo! Buzz appears on the Yahoo! HOMEPAGE!!!

The most interesting question is - How many traffic you can get from popular story, which will appears on the Yahoo! homepage? Hm... How about 1 000 000 unique visitors within 1 hour!!! After such avalanche of traffic your web server will be on fire =) But someone told me that they will rotate top stories and monitor the traffic they send, otherwise small sites will be burned alive =)

I'm overexcited and waiting for end of Beta. By the way, do you know, What is the best time for submitting stories and news on Digg? =)